Use this form to request a print book through Interlibrary Loan. Each request must be submitted on a separate form. We are unable to accept Inter-Library Loan requests for textbooks.
Use this form to submit your Interlibrary loan journal article request. Each article must be requested on a separate form.
In order for the library to request an interlibrary loan item for you, it is important to include the full citation information for the book or journal article you need. Our FirstSearch database can be a great help with this task. Please see the instructions below or the FirstSearch video at the left for instructions.
Reminder: Be sure to check the DIU catalog first to confirm that we do not own the item you are seeking.
1. Click on the A-Z Databases Link
2. Select the FirstSearch link
3. Select WorldCat in the wording at the top (or from the database dropdown box)
1. Enter a keyword in one of the fields
2. Click the Search Button at top or bottom.
3. Click on a specific item to view it
4. To highlight multiple items for future reference, check the box to the left of every item that is of interest to you, Next, click on the third tab in the second row labeled “Marked Records”. This reduces the returns to only those items that you selected. You can then email, export, and/or print these bibliographic records.
1. Put in your search term in the search box.
2. Select the correct record(s).
3. The record will show the details for the book; click on either:
a. ILL at the top of the record
b. Borrow this item from another library (Interlibrary Loan)
4. Fill in the Interlibrary Loan request form. You must at least fill in the asterisked boxes. (See sample below for details).
5. Click on Submit at the bottom of the screen. Your form will be emailed to a DIU librarian.