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AnthroSource Database Help Guide (S2S)

How To's and FAQs

What is AnthroSource?

AnthroSource is a service of the American Anthropological Association that offers members and subscribing libraries full-text anthropological resources from the breadth and depth of the discipline. AnthroSource is:

  • a digital searchable database containing the past, present and future AAA publications,
  • more than 250,000 articles from AAA journals, newsletters, bulletins and monographs in a single place, and
  • 24/7 access to scientific research information across the field of anthropology.

Will I have access to AnthroSource when I'm away from home or my institution doing fieldwork?

YES! You have full access to AnthroSource wherever you can connect to the Internet.

Are you having difficulty accessing AnthroSource content?

We recommend that you delete the cookies from your computer and try logging-in again.

If using Internet Explorer please click on the "Tools" drop-down menu and select "Internet Options." Under the "General" tab and the section "Browsing history" please click on "Delete..." after the "Delete temporary files, history, cookies, saved passwords and web form information."

Can AnthroSource be accessed using a PC and a MAC?

Yes. When accessing AnthroSource using a PC we recommend using the Internet Explorer browser. When accessing AnthroSource using a MAC we recommend using FireFox.

Can I use citation manager software with AnthroSource?

AnthroSource supports CiteULike, Mendeley, and RefWorks.

Can I print or download from AnthroSource?

Yes. You can download and save to your computer and/or print full-text articles, abstracts, and tables-of-contents from AnthroSource.

What is included with a subscription to AnthroSource?

When a library or institution subscribes to AnthroSource they receive full online access to all AnthroSource content, with the exception of the most recent 10 years of Anthropology News.